orlandodenise Member


  • Ive got a WW scale and if my weight doesnt change by like more than half a pound - it just weighs the same ! I recalibrate by getting the kids to weigh themselves or I pick up a 4 pound pot and it then weighs properly! Rather rubbish actually - im going to change soon
  • Afterwards - so many manufacturers pump with water and other rubbish and it varies - especially if you drain fat carefully as well. Afterwards takes away some of these variences :)
  • Well I might disagree with number 3 lol - but I look better dressed :)
  • After 70 pounds I joined a gym and started cardio and swimming every day. After 6 weeks I felt comfortable to try lifting. Now I train for 15 mins most days on the machines and lifting heavier and heavier. Im noticing my body shape changing ! Its amazing how much stronger I am. I can even hang on and support my own…
  • Whenever Im really strict, up the level of exercise and drinks loads - I do go to the bathroom a lot more and tend to find that is indicative of larger weight loss for that week :)
  • I bought a bike Monday last week. Ive eaten basically the same calories as before but because of the extra effort of riding the bike to the gym and back - I lost 6 pounds this week ! Ive had to up the calories and slow down the exercise.
  • Thanks -but Thats the thing ! Ive been many times before so unfortunately I know what food is there. Im not one that eats small amount of " processed or bad or takeaway " food in moderation. Ive never have been able to - id rather keep away from it than taste it then get the craving to eat it. Im pleased some on here can…
  • Lol- these are my now normal eating habits ! Lots of natural foods and no processed junk. No alcohol and lots of exercise with low carbs. What I fear the most is I'll be outside my confort zone and in a minefield of fatty sugary processed rubbish - I'll have to stick with simple meats that havent been messed around with :)
  • This 72 day streak has generated a 42 pound loss ( as of this Morning ) as the trouble is I lose weight fasssst but put it on just as quick ! Hence my real worry about eating American theme park food I do have the walking luckily and young fella is gym fit so he'll keep me going - I just need to keep away from temptation :)
  • I had a cheat day 10 days ago to celebrate uk mothers day. I had loads of wine, carbs ( im low carb ) and a WHOLE chocolate orange ( 900 cals ) ... By the end of the day Is eaten 3800 cals ! Thats the ONLY cheat day ive had in almost 3 months. Psychologically - Im not really able to do a cheat day. It develops a " taste "…
  • Yep same ! In fact this winter in the UK hasnt been " too bad " but ive never felt colder ! Its been awful - just cant wait for the sun. I'm in Florida in 3 weeks so hopefully get some nice rays! I wonder if its an age thing being 50 this year plus losing 115 pounds :)
  • I dont eat back exercise calories - i'd just rather lose weight a bit quicker. Ive never been healthier, fitter , energised, not sick etc since 1st Jan when I started 5-6 times a week at the gym and MFP ( and lost 40 pounds ) :)
  • I was 255 on Jan 1st and now 215 which is about 3.5 pounds a week. Its slowing down a bit now. I work out 5-6 days a week but dont eat them back and rarely have " treats " if it slows to 2pound a week that would still be good.
  • I just had some grilled chicken - looked small till I weighed it - 160 grams ! Its amazing how much food weighs and the calories ! Especially " hidden " calories like sauces etc!
  • Yep - with me it does big time ! I try and keep under 40 grams if I can per day and try for less
  • Thank you :) its actually a loss of 115 pounds so far - here are a couple of piccies
  • I weigh daily ! I have to - its the only way for me to feel in control even if I gain. Ive lost 40 pound since Jan 1st and whilst I do have the odd gain my weigh is mostly same or down ward. I get excited too when I wake up. Its something to look forward to :) If I do have the odd gain it motivates me to sharpen up on the…
  • Ive lost 115 pounds in 18 months. My philosophy is small goals. For example The next 10 pounds, getting under the next miles stone, breaking through a barrier, looking forward to a Night out and maybe new smaller clothes. Anything really that doesnt focus in the big job in hand ! I want to lose maybe 40-50 pound more ( i…
  • Wow thank you - i never knew that ! Mine are around 5-7k down a week ( and im perfectly fine ) which probs accounts for the 3 pounds loss per week :) I love the way you can see any "over" days at a glance too.
  • A really filling lunch I eat is a v small egg ( whole ) 55 cal plus two egg whites from medium 20 plus little bit of dry fried onions and mushrooms and some wilted spinach and in an omelette . Also Doritos hot salsa as dressing ( only need little bit) adds up to around 110 cals and makes me feel full.
  • I do similar - around 1000 - 1200 exercise calories a day ( apparently according to MFP) 6 times a week but I rarely eat any back. I just stick with my calorie allowance - its working for me - ive never felt better :)
  • Ive significantly cut back as its the milk that is my problem ( cant enjoy it black) I cannot function in the Morning or sleep at nite without one cup of coffee with Carnation milk and two gingernut biscuits ( 142 cals ) -in my MFP diary, its the first thing I load for the day :)
  • I was greedy on Sat ( 3900 total cals - drink and chocolate for UK mothers day ) - only day ive been significantly over since 1st Jan. ive been losing 3 pound a week. On Fri I was 220, Sat 218, Sun 221 ( aaah ) , Mon 220, Tue 220 and today back to pre piggy day of 218. Ive been mega strict this week. I hope by Fri ( the…
  • For breakfast I have two gingernut biscuits and a coffee with half fat Carbation milk. Same for bed time - always - I put these in my MPF in the Morning and the rest of my days calories are adjusted accordingly :)
  • Ive lost 37 pounds since 1st Jan - its coming off around 3 pounds every week. If I put my mind to it - I always loose weight fast .... Of course the flip side is I can pack on weight even faster ! :)
  • I hate most carbs - they bloat me and make me hungry after I have eaten them ! Low carb low fat ( as I dont like fats ) all the way for me :) ( 112 down )
  • I only eat out once every three weeks and even then only healthy options. I never ever eat take out - too processed, salty and fatty for my liking
  • Ive lost 110 pound - and I can tell just by looking in the mirror each Morning how much I weigh ! I carry most of my weight on my legs - my waist and face loose it fast - so its very noticable now :) I'd imagine I wont notice the legs loose weight unless I put on a pair of tight jeans and see the difference
  • If the picture person was 5 inches less than you - that really does make a difference - you cant compare yourself :) us tall girls can get away with a bit of weight ! Im sure your friend saw a completely different person than you You look pretty with great hair - best of luck with the weight loss !