

  • That sounds about my exact same life. I'm up by 6, have two kids, two separate buses schedules, run to work, home dinner after school activities etc and no time for me and no energy. Maybe I'll have to try and get up at 5:30 for a workout. Aerobics may work for me. Thanks for the tip. I noticed that drinking a full glass…
    in newbie Comment by missybfat January 2015
  • Wow that's awesome. How did you loose so much weight? My goal is to loose about 40lbs. I'm looking for support also, this is my first time using this forum so I'm not sure how it all works
  • My goal is 40 lbs total. Up for food restriction challenges or exercise challenges. How about you, do you have challenges
    in newbie Comment by missybfat January 2015
  • Lol. Hope our weight loss journey won't be as hard. I've been having trouble staying on task so i am trying this app
    in newbie Comment by missybfat January 2015
  • This forum is a bit confusing, hope it gets easier lol
    in newbie Comment by missybfat January 2015
  • Hi I'm new at this too and a bit confusef
    in Hello Comment by missybfat January 2015
  • Just started back on MFP again and looking for support trying to loose weight. Looking to connect with others to see what's working fir them and hope to find a weight loss buddy