ashadams12 Member


  • Wow! 11 lbs!! My first was 10 lbs 9 ounces and youngest was 10 lbs even and the hospital said they were the biggest babies they ever delivered. Lol Did you have diabetes? Just curious because everyone always assumes I did with having big boys, but I never did. That's my goal too, be healthy and active for my boys and…
  • I spend all day with my kiddos! I take them to work with me 3 days a week and the other days we just play at home. I'm definitely an all day snacker, stress eater, and I've always enjoyed sweets way too much!! I'm thinking about cutting out sugar for awhile to get cravings under control.. but I've found my will power isn't…
  • Thanks! I didn't know this and it was driving me crazy lol With my one year old I exclusively breastfed and haven't dropped more than 10 lbs! It's been very frustrating, I've been eating healthier and working out more than I ever have in my life and the weight doesn't want to go anywhere! With my oldest I didn't breastfeed…
  • Ok for some reason the end of my messages keep getting cut off, do you have that problem? I weighed in at 242 today, gained 4 from last week
  • That's awesome! Great job! That's how I was with my oldest son, but the weight after my youngest has been so stubborn!
  • Yay! I'm starting T25 back up this week and hopefully a lot of walking and bike rides with the family if it's nice.
  • Having trouble posting for some reason, but I'm in also! My sons just turned 1 and 2, definitely time to lose the extra weight, having a lot of health problems and can't have more kids until I'm at a healthy weight! Highest weight: 250 Current weight: 238 Goal weight: 165
  • SW 217.. CW 219
  • I'm Ashley- 28 years old and live in Ohio. I'm a mom to 6 month old and loving it, but still struggling to lose baby weight. Currently 217 lbs hoping to reach goal of160-170 .. and most importantly start a healthy life style that I can teach my son.
  • Current weight- 217 Overall goal- 160 August goal- 210 Goal- stay under mfp calorie goals and workout at least 3 times/week