blue2264 Member


  • No longer breast feeding but I I think every body is different/every situation is different even. With my first I started weight watcher s6mos postpartum my milk supplied dropped quickly. With my second I started exercising/counting calories at 6 weeks and my milk supply was fine. Wish you luck
  • I've limited to Saturdays.... Well Saturday is my cheat day - I drink whatever i want but still make good food choices. Fridays night I'll sometimes have a 2 drinks max & I make it a low calorie one (usually just vodka & sparking water). But to be honest my progress hasnt been that spectacular...i've only lost 17lbs in 6…
    in Alcohol Comment by blue2264 June 2015
  • normally vodka with flavored sparkling water but i'll also make a white sangria. I let some fruit soak in vodka & then add white wine & sparkling water :p
  • I love it!. Its really good cardio, only 25 minutes and i'm drenched with sweat. I'm on last week & ive lost about 10lbs. I wish it was more like some of the people on its infomercial but i'm far from perfect with my diet so I've only got myself to blame. I plan to do it again and or maybe to p90x3/T25 hybrid when i'm done
    in T25 Comment by blue2264 June 2015
  • I'm not a big selfie taker....but if you are gonna do please SMILE! I get pretty annoyed by ducked face selfies