

  • I like mine. I track food on here and everything else on fit bit. I like their water tracker and weight charts and such better than MFPs.
    in Fitbit Comment by mom2carlo April 2015
  • Oh hun, cut yourself some slack! Eat clean and don't do too much while your body is healing. Two weeks is so new still. Savor the time with your tiny one, take easy walks and eat healthy. If you're breastfeeding, watch the junk food you might crave :) congrats
  • I ate chocolate too. If this is a lifestyle change, you will track it, cut yourself some slack, dust yourself off and start again tomorrow. But chocolate isn't the end of the world. It's something I often fit into my macros.
    in bad day Comment by mom2carlo April 2015
  • I have done WW before and loved the accountability thing but if you find friends or facebook groups and such and post your progress there too, it can help a lot for accountability. This go around (post baby #2) I am doing it alone with MFP and fb groups. I miss my meetings because I loved being called out and recognized…