JamiBoo78 Member


  • Thanks for all the replies. I’m frustrated that I’m logging my food, staying in my perimeters, working out and I’m not seeing the loss. I’m up and down from one week to the next. The older k get the worse it gets plus I’m dealing with menopause. Nothing works like it used to in terms of getting the weight off. Doing…
  • I’m so frustrated. I have stayed within my calories this week, am consistently working out and I’m up 3.6 pounds this week. I’m over this BS.
  • I do measure my cereal so I am good there. This week has been a little different from my past weeks. I guess I will just figure it out.
  • That's a good idea...thank you!
  • I generally try to leave one to two hundred calories under my goal to accommodate for things that are not exact on measurements. My life is too crazy busy to weigh everything. I'm not sure I can commit to that nor really want to do that...but I appreciate the comments.
  • Thank you that is helpful!
  • I just opened it
  • Yes I can open it. Let me just add that several years ago I lost 100 pounds. I used this app and did portion control and exercise. I am trying to lose no more than 10 pounds this go round. I'm not doing a food scale unless I really need to know how many calories are in something...like when they measure it in oz on the…
  • But how many do I add in there?
  • Jazzercise Baby!! One Dance Mixx class can burn up to 700 calories. High impact