EarthAmber Member


  • This has been such a help to hear, thank you guys so much. @aSearch4Me, our experiences do sound insanely similar. I've even been looking for a place to start lap swimming. I really don't enjoy running, but I love weight training so much that I use it as incentive to make sure I get my cardio in. When I asked this, I was…
  • Awesome, thank you so much for the info!
  • Oh and! TMI, but my IBS and food allergen symptoms are nonexistant a month and a half into Keto. It's a freaking miracle, and usually this is enough for people to not question it.
  • "Low insulin diet" is brilliant. I'm using this. It's exactly why I do Keto in the first place. I have PCOS and I actually feel like a person now that I'm not a sugar slave.
  • [Edit] Oh lord, sorry the images are enormous. I came up with this Chili recipe after finding out I'm allergic to tomatoes. Last night I decided to try making a LCHF version of it and I was super happy with the results. I was so excited to have something to share that I kept track as best as I could of the recipe. And…
  • Oh! I saw someone do mini bacon weaves to make them roughly taco shell shaped and fill with taco meat.
  • I eat burgers with avocado, Frank's buffalo sauce and romaine. So so good.
  • Bacon, avocado and romaine. I eat lettuce wraps all the time that are just these three things. So good. I go to the meat counter and buy several lbs of bacon at a time. And Frank's Buffalo sauce. It's like angel's breast milk
  • My skin is soft and clear, but I have to pee ALL the freaking time. Keeping hydrated wasn't something I cared about before.
  • I honestly have had the same concern. I've only lost 12lb so far, but up until this point, they've only gotten perkier and they look much better on my smaller frame. I've always tried to work on the muscle underneath my breasts, so I think that helps. Really wish I didn't buy 20 new bras right before I started though. Hope…
  • I have the same problem with time, so I pack my Blender Bottle with a protein shake and unsweetend cashew milk every night. I use this one: purely because of allergies and preference. It has 2 net carbs with the milk. It's fast, I pack up a scoop in…
  • I wish I could do this. I'm allergic to dairy and almost all of the alternatives: soy, almonds, coconut. But they just started making cashew milk products more available! So happy
  • I am! PCOS as well and a dairy intolerance. Makes finding new recipes tricky.
  • Good. Lord. Yeah I have allergy-induced asthma.
  • I feel your pain. When I got tested, my allergist actually said, "Well... this is quite bad. I feel sorry for you." Guy sees people with food issues all day long and mine made him sad. For me that I can remember, no gluten, wheat, soy, whey, dairy, eggs, chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers, sesame seeds, watermelon, oranges,…
  • Thanks wabmaster, easy enough to try out. Whoa! Yeah mine lasts a couple hours too. Do you avoid it?
  • Thanks for responses! The shake is a solution to breakfast I'm not allergic to that I can pack the night before, really no other reason. It's Garden of Life Organic Plant Protein Smooth Coffee mixed with unsweetened cashew milk. With it, my protein has been around 35% of my calories I believe. The gummies have 4g sugar all…
  • Well, we find it odd your children use rubbers on their homework! (Kids still use pencils, right?) Although, to be fair "rubber" is fairly outdated lingo here.