pecanbeth1 Member


  • I am not sure how old you are, but I found if my hormones are out of balance I cannot control my weight. I didn't even start losing after several frustrating months until I got tested and started supplementing - in my case progesterone. I had several other bothersome symptoms which also resolved.
  • I almost said this one. But it was muffins. "Holy crap, a talking muffin!" :smile:
  • Two peanuts walk into a bar. One was a salted. (assaulted)
  • It may not be just another little bike ride. You never know what anyone is doing at any given point. It could be their last ride before a major surgery or medical intervention. Or it may be in a place they've always wanted to visit. Or their memory isn't very good and they don't want to miss something. Or they just want to…
  • Great site with free videos, many good for beginner. In the comfort of your own home.