utahchic89 Member


  • Plan your meals and make small changes that eventually become your lifestyle and habit. Take baby steps and make small, attainable goals that propel you toward success each and every day. It can be as simple as planning to stick to your meals for today, or drink 100 oz. of water today, or both! Then, when tomorrow comes…
  • I cannot imagine weighing between 130 and 150. That's insane. My personal goal weight I'm trying to achieve is roughly 175, and my nutritionist thinks I should be around 165. I'm 5'10". I feel like if I were to drop even further below that, I would be sickly! :/
  • I'm totally in! Accountability and support is amazing on here.
  • Ha, sounds like this is gonna happen! It starts Saturday!
  • I'm so in!!! Totally feel free to add me. This is gonna be tough! I'm a beer girl, especially in the summer. Let's do it!
  • Totally! Added all of you for some extra support. ❤️
  • @SarahElizabeth1981 what did you do to earn such amazing transformation?! You look incredible!
  • Love seeing all the support! I'm back on MFP and am hoping that I stick with it the best that I can. I had success before years ago and then slacked off. I've been a yo-yo dieter and want to just make healthy lifestyle changes instead of these Hollywood diets that go in and out so quickly. We are definitely here for each…
  • I'm feeling it right now sooooo bad, @bbeimert. :( I want to deviate from my food plan I put together this morning and it's so tough to ignore that want. It's so much easier to eat healthier around my boyfriend, too. He's in the military so he's fit and eats smart. But then when I'm on my own...my temptations come to light…
  • Hey Girl, you've got this!!! I know the feeling with the desk job.....it suucks being stuck in a chair all day. And the munchies are soooo much more prevalent in that type of setting, too. At least they are for me. I have decided that specific programs don't help me in any way for my diet plans. Instead, I try to track my…
  • @33Chief you'll get there. The heat is definitely going to take its toll now, too. Don't overdo it and make yourself sick or hurt in the process! I know that's easy to do when you want to improve, but you don't want to hinder yourself at the same time.
  • Love the optimism, guys!! Cheers to getting back into it!!
  • Hey! I had success with MFP years ago and then fell away from it. I am back on and ready to make some changes. My runs seem super slow, too, but we are lapping people that are just sitting on the couch!! Every little bit is better than nothing at all, and all we can do is keep trying, give it our all, and live life along…
  • Everybody's responses are so inspiring. :) it makes motivation that much higher. Thanks, all.