beszmytke Member


  • Happy Friday, all! Esther, I hope you are feeling better this morning. Your body must have needed the "rest day" yesterday. Nancy, you called us right - the Easter Misfits! We're happier here in our own little group :) Shirley, I hope all your tests come back ok. We had the snow also, and the day before, it was hailing -…
  • Marie, you cracked me up (again) with your dirty dish comment! How about wrapping that chicken and some veggies in foil, and popping it in the oven for 30 minutes? Sorry I've been AWOL - my days are too short these days, and I can't seem to get a handle on it. Our son was home from AZ last week, and we had a great time -…
  • Well, that made me laugh out loud, Connie! It IS head-spinning over there, but how fantastic! You know there will be many who will drop off or only post occasionally, but it will still be a huge group, and you are doing a fine job marshaling it all right now. I like the idea of keeping in touch here as well - there's no…
  • Good morning, everyone - hope you all had a blessed Easter! We were gone for the weekend so I missed all the postings but will catch up reading them today...can't wait to see how much everyone lost :) My total loss is 12 lbs for this challenge: SW was 175 (I believe I started mid-January), and CW is 163. But the most…
  • Good morning! Connie, I love the Fourth of July glitter bomb, AND your list of criteria for how we should measure ourselves above and beyond what the scale tells us. We are all so much more than our weight! Still feeling so sick and yesterday was so nauseous and weak - I had to force myself to eat just little bits. I…
  • Good morning, everyone! Happy last week of the challenge, and I am amazed at all the losses we've seen so far :) Becky, so glad the news looks good for your son. Two years ago, my son had a motorcycle accident and nearly lost his middle finger after skidding through a field with the handlebar pressing down on his hand the…
  • Marie, that is just wonderful! So happy for you :D I feel the same as Nancy as far as the wonderful support received when I first started - Marie and Connie were so friendly and upbeat - it made me feel like part of the group immediately! Jordan, what a scary time that must have been. Glad you are ok. Welcome, Mermaid! I…
  • Happy Birthday, Barbie, and I hope you had a wonderful day! Connie, so glad you had a good report from the doctor - that's peace of mind and positive proof that you are doing all the right things. Jordan, thanks for the zumba info and I will talk to the instructor! Sunny, nice to hear from you again! Rachel, you made me…
  • Connie, hope your doctor was proud of you (we are!)! Shivangnip, welcome to our group! Can you post your first name, please? Jordan, I have been wanting to try the Zumba class at Curves, but I'm so afraid because of my Achilles tendinitis - it has been feeling better, but for two years I have babied it and so feel hesitant…
  • I only just have a minute to write, as I took all my time catching up, but just want to say I love you all, and am so proud of you! What a supportive, happy group we are, and I hope we all continue with the 4th of July challenge. You're just the best! Belinda
  • Ray, your family is going to be so amazed and happy for you! Your family here sure is :D Connie, have a great rest day - I have never had a massage, but I have promised myself that when I get my next six pounds off, I am going to go...sounds heavenly! We are going to Canada tonight for dinner with friends to a restaurant…
  • Esther, you're doing fantastic and your fantasy can become a doable reality - just never stop working to achieve it! Nancy, I am not losing as fast as I would like either, but I am taking any loss as a giant win, because it means I am closer to my goal :D Now i'mgetting back to work - just wanted to check in! TGIF! Belinda
  • Good morning! First, let me say CONGRATULATIONS to our angel Marie, who has posted for what has to be some kind of record 2,300 days on MFP! What a stick-to-it gal she is! Cristina, thank you for your service and sacrifice - my dad was 29 years in the Army, so I have a special place in my heart for those who willingly…
  • Checking in really quickly, and so happy to see new faces and all the hard work and challenges we are overcoming! I had my weigh-in on Wednesday, and was down .6 so I will take it! That was after the buffet the night before (where I did have part of a piece of cheesecake, and a small bit of corned beef :) ) so that's ok.…
  • Hi everyone! I am so far behind in posts that I am going to have to read a page or two at a time till I get caught up. I have been AWOL for a week - just too much "life" going on around me to keep up :# I am so PROUD of all of you who have been sticking to it; so many have had losses, and I can totally sympathize with the…
  • Oh, PS Connie and Marie, I too would like to stick with the 20 lb goal for the Fit for the Fourth challenge - I do think that it gives me greater incentive to keep reaching for it, even though I might not make it. If I chose 10 or 15 I think I would subconsciously slack off! - Just my $.02
  • Hi all! I posted this morning, but now do not see what I wrote! Oh well! Becky, I responded in that ghost post about my progress and here is what I said: First smoothie on Thursday, lost a pound by Friday AM. Smoothie for Friday breakfast, and I lost another pound by this AM. I posted the ingredients for my smoothie, and…
  • This is our backyard: two feet of snow topped by a lovely "icing"!
  • Happy Friday! Cathleen, welcome and know you are among friends! Becky, I hope you are feeling better today - that flu bug is rough :( Valerie, it was nice to hear from you again. It does always seem that problems come all at once, and that can be overwhelming. Sometimes it comes down to hanging on just one minute at a…
  • Your soup looks awesome! I am going to try it with my new Nutribullet! The Red Wings won (in Overtime), but that was a YAY, and I lost a pound, so good birthday even though I ended up with pizza for dinner, instead of the spinach salad I was intending to have. Events conspired to make us late getting to the game, so the…
  • Waiting for the game to begin! Go Wings!
  • Thank you for the good wishes everyone, and Marie, our Angel Mama - I loved the card! Today was my weigh and measure day at Curves, and I worked off 8.75 inches this last month! I was so happy with that, even though the weight loss wasn't as much as I would like - I only lost a total of 7 lbs. But I feel better and I will…
  • Good morning and happy Tuesday! Snowing again in good old Michigan, but the temperature is in the 20's right now and supposed to get to a high of 39 today - woohoo! Marie, I called you our Angel Mama and you are that - keeping us all headed in the right direction o:) Congratulations Graybon and everyone else who has hit 20…
  • Marie, here is the Red Wongs quilt I made for my son Matt. I sent it off today!
  • Misscaligreen and Cristina - WAY TO GO! So happy for you both, and we will continue on with the Fit for the Fourth challenge! I am getting a Nutribullet for my birthday and I can't wait to start making smoothies! I am going to get the book you recommended, Christina - I could make the 20lb mark if they work as well for me…
  • Connie, your list is stupendous and just another example of how uplifting and supportive this group can be! We should post it at the end of every month to remind us all that the scale does not own us, nor does it define our successes - it is merely a tool in our Craftsman tool box to help us gauge where we want to be. The…
  • Good morning! Happy Sunday! Welcome Debbie and Jolene - we're so happy to have you in our group. Debbie, I applaud your anniversary goal and it helps to have one, as many of us have found with the Easter challenge, and now the planned 4th of July challenge for those who didn't start in December and don't quite make it to…
  • Welcome, Muffy and Tryin2behealthy! We all joined at different stages, and so not everyone will have time to get the 20 off before Easter, but the good news is (A) any pounds you lose will make you a winner, and (B) we are starting a new challenge immediately after, for the 4th of July! I think someone mentioned calling it…