capedorsetgirl Member


  • That's the other problem....I am going over.
  • [quote = Have you adjusted and updated your TDEE - x% after you have lost last time? Please don't forget that to create deficit.[/quote] Update my TDEE-x%? What is this and where do I find it?
  • Thanks everyone for your comments. I do weigh everything and log everything that does in my mouth. I guess that's why I was feeling frustrated. I'm back to being motivated again!
  • Thanks for the responses. I was just concerned as I have been under my calorie intake (with the exception of 2 days last week) and am of the treadmill 5 days a week for 55-75 minutes each time burning between 480-550 calories and not seeing a loss, but a gain. No change in measurements either. That's why I thought maybe I…
  • I just finished a week of being discouraged because I didn't see the results I was hoping for on the scale or in the measures. Are you also taking measuremments? Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. I'm on day 32 and am finally getting the hang of what foods to eat and what to eat in moderation. I weigh everything that…
  • Thank you for the encouragement!
  • thank you everyone!
  • just found a place that has the bars that Cebreisch suggested: Lo Carb Canada and they will ship to Nunavut!!! Supper excited to try them! I have a real sweat thooth so I hope these will help!
  • Thank you all for your comments and suggestions! Cebreisch, I was supper excited to try the protein bars you suggested! I was at the final stage of confirming my order and was bummed when they said they was no shipping method to Nunavut.