Nutritional Ketogenic state of your body through Ketogenic diet is not Ketoacidosis (dangerous condition for diabetics with high blood sugar and no insulin with high levels of Ketones). Recheck your research and relearn the difference. It's important.... and definitely don't pass on the wrong information to newbies.
runner, the only reason i use the breakfast, lunch, or dinner is to determine what im going to eat rather than when... eating lunches all day is pretty monotonous. I have labeled the meals with the time of day.. omelets and sandwiches get pretty boring after awhile
Not taking it harsh at all.. thank you all... I need the input.. Sometimes the confusion is overwhelming. I do need to look at this on a daily basis as I've also had bariatric surgery in the last 2 mths with dietary needs that require the regulation... It's working, and the surgery is not the easy way out. It's very…
samdavis88, I have renamed my meals and sometime the 11pm meal is breakfast and sometimes its dinner... non the less, I find myself eating around the clock and if I can leave it at 6hr intervals then I won't overeat, but wow sometimes 6hrs is such a long time to go without something.
thanks for the advice.... I will definitely press on. The words, breakfast, lunch and dinner have no meaning anymore as certain days are different depending where I am in the cycle. I've been doing this for 5 years and I've watched my coworkers spread with me. On the weekends its breakfast, lunch, and dinner... sometimes…