Uscary83 Member


  • Hello there! I am also studying Nutritional Health Sciences and I have been on keto since march properly. Now going even more strict to try and shed some fat mass. I am sydney based too and would LOVE to connect with likeminded people on the same journey :) Feel free to hit me with a message if keen to catch up, Speak soon.
  • I do IF variably during the week due to training early in the morning.On weekends is usually over 20-19 h fast, one day pushed to 24 h no problem, while during the week is between 14.5 ans 15 hours :) IF is a practice that aids the body recovery more than weight loss. weight loss is incidental, and sometimes doesn't occur…
  • Fruit is carbs due to the fructose and the fiber. Carbs are carbs. It is recommended to have two serves a day opposed to 5-6 of veggies. Fruit is not bad but it still counts if you want to lose weight. :)
  • I stil enjoy italian food aiaquinta
  • Ciao Franco. In tutta onestà non mangio molto italiano. Ormai sono due anni che seguo in regime salutare e non ho più voglie di pizza pasta o simili. Non uso più zucchero etc. Quindi ora è più che altro torcere il poco rimasto!