

  • my pleasure @ffjrodas‌. How long have you been going where you have been feeling the lack of energy? Agreed, perservere man and you will get there!
  • @gloriousblonde‌ glad to share in the experience and be motivation for your cause, you got this! Great goal. @Btbeam‌ wow what a transformation story already! That is very inspiring, amazing job and keep it up! @chelsspark‌ You have an awesome goal as well!! Go get it girl!
  • Welcome to MFP man. Its like riding a bike, dust off the cobwebs and pick it back up. You'll get there in no time, just stick with it. I believe your can make that goal happen, nutrition is 80% of the succes and battle as you know. Like the lifng4ls said above you have to fuel the machine. What is your maintanence cals/day…
  • Hi there how you doing? So yea food is 80% of the battle, don't feel alone in this part of it, we all face the same struggle. Some way shape or form. Good work on hitting the workouts consistently! You've got that part down it sounds like. Couple questions, do you hit the 1550 cals/day consistently? And what are those cals…
  • Glad to inspire and inspired @Devenna‌ . That support makes all the difference, glad to add you as a friend.
  • Hi Pam, my name is Ryan. I would be glad to cheer you on! You have a great goal and there are plenty of folks here with great tips and support to help you along the way. Let me know how I can help and feel free to add me!
  • Sounds like a party, always glad to meet new people and help motivate and encourage. All of you ladies can do this! Does anyone know if this has a group function on it?
  • Great goal April! Please keep us updated on your progress! So it all depends on what your maintenance weight is and subtracting from there. MFP should do that well for you but just in case you want to check it ever, 500 cals less than your maintanence weight daily will equate to approx 1lb lost/week. What you eat is…
    in Stressed. Comment by bigres20 March 2015
  • Hi Victoria, you came to the right place. Plenty of really supportive people here and lots of good info you can obtain to help you feel beautiful in your own skin again! Let me know how i can help :)
  • Depends on how much you want to burn in pounds per week. On average most programs will tell you 500 cals lost a day equals 1 pound of fat lost a week. As you get closer to your goal weight, this tends to slow down as the fat that has been with you longer has been stored longer and it takes that bit of extra effort to burn…
  • Glad to be a friend on here as well. Love the added motivation and enjoy sharing my results, what has worked and what hasn't worked for me.
  • Hi wordcakes how are you? So you mentioned that you're losing weight but is it in line with the weight loss per week you set? Sounds like it is not, but let me know. Also, what do you during the day (is it a sendentary lifetyle) and are you exercising? Didn't see anything about that in your post. Have a good one!
  • Getting started is the hardest part but once you get going, you gain momentum and build on your results. Would be glad to share in the accountability with you. Will send a message
  • Hi Teri, welcome to MFP, I've been using this app now for 2 years and finally decided to check out the community boards. So I'm a bit new myself. Agreed, even though our short term goals are about a body that "looks good" to us, the true goal is long term health. That is my focus as well. I would be more than glad to talk…
  • I so agree with you Shontae. What are you looking to achieve?
  • Apologies for the late reply. So I did like most are doing here, found my maintanence caloric intake and increased that amoumt by at least 500 cals. I kept it all clean, no fast food except very occassional cheat days on my 7th days. Yes it is easy to add up the cals with cheap fast food but if you do the long term math,…
  • Man I know your struggle. For me its time and budget but one thing I have to say is that focusing on eating clean now will pay dividends in the future body. I have many older brothas tell me do all you can to eat healthy and right now! As far as gaining goes, what are you eatingeating the gainer and protein shakes and…