claricen2008 Member


  • You definitely are not alone! I've been struggling with keeping weight off since I had my daughter s couple years ago. I was doing really good before my cancer and surgery earlier this year. Then during that phase I started eating my emotions and put back on the 10 pounds I had lost. So last week, I decided it was time to…
  • Freud was not a fraud. What he said about his Oedipus/Elektra complex was misunderstood by many, and in his much later years in life he said that he wished he had never put those theories out there.
  • I'm also a stay at home mom also of an almost 2 year old little girl. I too, eat out of boredom/stress. My best advice to help fight the habit is when you find yourself eating at no meal times to stop and legitimately question why you are eating. If it is any excuse other than being hungry, then stop. I also use a rewards…