^^^ this. Also glad I am not the only one who got a bit worried with the tittle. Good luck finding your young women :smiley:
So far so good. I still hate workouts but I don't think that will ever change.
and light it on fire. You can't forget that part:)
I have been sick 2 time in the past month. I know when I was eating much healthier I was not getting sick that often.
I almost ate another wagon on mothers day but help myself back as best I could.
I'm with you. I can't cheat because once I fall off the wagon I then eat the wagon:( I am not one to do things in halves, thats for sure.
Same thing happened to me. Things got out of whack and I went back to eating take out and fast food. This week something just clicked for me and now I am really determined to lose the weight and get healthy. Hopefully it sticks.
Yeah turning 30 is def a big motivator for me.
Thanks. Good luck on vacation. I know how hard it can be to workout on vacation even if they do have a great gym. I mean who really wants to go workout when there is so many other things to be done when away but I know you can do it :)
Mozzarella sticks and most other things fried.