cor306 Member


  • Just my logic but, weights don't want to be drained trying to lift something that could hurt you. Cardio second...Once the sugar is gone from your muscles then your body will look to fat for the energy. Time of day and what you eat makes a difference in your performance as well.
  • Lunges and Plyo work. I hate that no matter how good of shape I'm in those darn burpees make me feel out of shape real quick!
  • EBay... I got a no name tracker for $15. Just doesn't have the social aspect of the fitbit. Tracks steps, sleep, distance, and has an alarm. Vibrates when you get a phone call.
  • When eating clean like the guide says, I can't eat all those calories. You're energy will be awesome though!
  • I don't eat before an AM workout. I brush my teeth and immediately start sipping water. I don't feel that nausea anymore. It may be the mint flavor that helps.
  • You will feel like doing other activities after you're done with the program. Following the diet will get you better results. Listen to Tony's tips during the workout. Read the manual before doing Ab Ripper X. Lol
  • Modify if you need to. Don't be afraid to stop and jump back in. I'm on month 3 now. Let your belt be your gauge. Completed it many times.