

  • Do I cut the 500 off of my TDEE?
  • Why is MFP telling me to stay under 1,850 calories a day? Is it because I want to lose a pound per week, and it goes to the extreme of dropping me below my BMR?
  • So my BMR is (depending on what site I use) somewhere between 1800-1900. My TDEE is 2585. So eating roughly 2000 calories a day will lead to weight loss?
  • Haha sorry for keeping this going. I just did a BMR - 1900 and my BMI is 28.03. So if I stay under the BMR of 1900 and work out I should see weight loss? Or just a more tone look?
  • Ok so I googled what my body burns in. Typical day. I have a desk job, not very active during the day. It's saying based off my weight height and age I should be burning roughly 2,120 calories a day. MyFitnessPal has me set at an 1,850 calorie limit on the day. Which I stay well below because of how full I feel off my…
  • I guess what I should have clarified is that I'm trying to burn fat (mainly stomach fat) . Not necessarily weight, so I am working out usually 5-6 days a week and eating very healthy with mens multi pack from GNC and the wheybolic protein
  • When you are talking deficit and surplus are you referring to fat? So by saying protein is essential for a deficit because the energy your body uses won't fuel from muscle but from fat?
  • I am doing P90x, so I'm incorporating weight training and putting muscle on as well as trying to shed fat.
  • My day mostly consists of breakfast ( 2 scoops of GNC wheybolic protein shake) and usually some yogurt or a banana. I have lunch (lean meat and veggies) and then 2 more scoops of that protein before my work out around 4:00 - 5:00 PM, then usually a half hour to an hour after I have a light dinner. Usually high in protein.…
  • My goal is to lose 10lbs. Does adding all this extra protein into my diet help with weight loss, along with healthy eating?