I'm the same! Trying to condition my brain to not want takeaways and to start wanting salad! I've found running has helped a lot. Good luck!
I might have to try it then as an alternative! Thanks!
Is T25 good? I thought about doing that as it is meant to be slightly less intense.
Insanity is great for toning, but don't do it expecting to see massive weight loss as it is turning fat into muscle.
Good luck!
Go on to something like bearshare, then it'll be free! I'm in the same boat, just need to drop some weight and tone up, lots of treadmill work ahead! In fact I might start insanity again now you've reminded me of it! Thanks!
In all honesty I can't remember the site, but you can just download it from a file sharing site quite easily I think. I just downloaded it into a memory stick and put it in my playstation. Yeah it's hard work, but you do feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of each session....then you nearly pass out :D
I managed to download it. It's very intense as you would imagine, I didn't see many gains in terms of weight loss but for toning up it was great. Couldn't really manage a whole session without pausing it for a breather though!