insanity workout

What's insanity workout like? And are you able to download the dvds or have you got to purchase them.


  • lilchef84
    I managed to download it. It's very intense as you would imagine, I didn't see many gains in terms of weight loss but for toning up it was great. Couldn't really manage a whole session without pausing it for a breather though!
    Would you be able to tell me where you downloaded it from? That's what I'm wanting to do, tone up. I agree with you there about pausing it. Just be watching other people do it on youtube, looks really really intense.
  • lilchef84
    In all honesty I can't remember the site, but you can just download it from a file sharing site quite easily I think. I just downloaded it into a memory stick and put it in my playstation. Yeah it's hard work, but you do feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of each session....then you nearly pass out :D
    Thank you very much, fingers crossed I shall be able to download it. I just didn't want to fork out that much money for it. Haha well if you don't feel like your going to pass out you haven't done a very good workout!! Just want to get back toned and down to my dream weight again!!
  • lilchef84
    Go on to something like bearshare, then it'll be free! I'm in the same boat, just need to drop some weight and tone up, lots of treadmill work ahead! In fact I might start insanity again now you've reminded me of it! Thanks!
    JLYARKER Posts: 8
    edited January 2015
    Yeah, I've got utorrent so that should work! Yeah defiantly lots of running and cross trainer work coming up
  • lilchef84
    Good luck!