

  • I'm 21 and 5'6 at 187 lbs. I've managed to lose 11 lbs since november, but I've always been overweight and I'm really worried about yoyo-ing. I think it's great that everyone here has decided to make a change, it really gives me hope for myself!
  • Hi everyone! I'm 21 and hoping to get down to a much healthier weight. Good luck to everybody!
  • Hi Jess! I'm aiming for 55 lbs. I don't have a gym but I do have two dogs that are pushing me to get outside and be more active! :) Good luck to you too
    in hello Comment by MissShivs January 2015
  • It was actually my mother and father that have been the biggest motivators for me to lose weight. Kids are brutally honest, but it will be good for them to see you setting such a good example!
    in Hello Comment by MissShivs January 2015
  • Hey there! I'm 21 but I've never been fit and am trying to make a real change in my lifestyle :)
    in Hello Comment by MissShivs January 2015