Joanna331 Member


  • I've been doing this a while but recently had a break as I was almost at target, put quite a bit back on so need lots of motivation to get back on track. Feel free to add me, I'll be on here everyday trying to stay on track
  • I'm from North west - Widnes, Feel free to add me everyone
  • I'm trying to loose 0.5lbs a week too. Lost 2lbs last week put 3lbs on this week (it's that time of the month) and I'm using that as my excuse lol. I've lost nearly 2 stone over a two year period so I'm going with the slow weight loss as I am keeping it off. Got 5lb left to loose but I'm sure I'll do it, you too. Good luck
  • Hi all, I'm 41. I've lost two stone over the last two years still have a few more lbs to loose then hoping to maintain. I lost this weight using slimming world, 5:2 and calorie counting. Calorie counting seems to be the one that I find works best for me. I try to get to the gym most days during the week (weekends off) but…
  • Thanks for all the comments/advice. I'll stick with night time i seem to have more energy then and don't ache the next day like I am now - afternoons definitely don't work for me lol x
  • Thanks, wasn't as bad as I thought when I logged it so don't feel half as "guilty" but will still work my bum off in the gym tomorrow
  • Sunny Cheshire, just joined this week but hoping to keep it up
  • Your doing really well, I've tried 5:2 but only manage random days. Back to old calorie counting. Wish I had your will power
  • I'm 42 this year, 3 children - had my youngest at 38! I have been doing all kinds if diets over the last two years determined to loose what I like to call my baby weight but it wasn't anything to do with the baby just general over eating. I've managed to loose 2st so far but still have another 1/2 stone to go which is…