nickgolledge Member


  • I sympathise with the OP! Being "skinny fat" and trying to lose that belly is really hard and it seems you can be in calorie deficit all week then one bad day over the weekend and it all goes back on!
  • Just a quick bump to this thread. I saw the previous post with a link to the AWR site by AnvilHead and started to read some of the articles. I was also really struggling to understand why what I thought was a good exercise regime combined with calorie counting to a target of 2200 per day (I am 190 lbs and 6 ft tall with a…
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Sept 15 2 x 45 seconds 2 x 1 minute (3.5 min) Sept 16 nothing Sept 17 4 x 1min (4 min) Sept 18 3 x 1 min 3 (min) Sept 19 4 x 1 min (4 min) Sept 20 nothing Sept 21 4 x 1 min (4 min) Sept 22 3 x 1 min (3 min) Sept 23 nothing Sept 24…
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Sept 15 2 x 45 seconds 2 x 1 minute (3.5 min) Sept 16 nothing Sept 17 4 x 1min (4 min) Sept 18 3 x 1 min 3 (min) Sept 19 4 x 1 min (4 min) Sept 20 nothing Sept 21 4 x 1 min (4 min) Sept 22 3 x 1 min (3 min) Sept 23 nothing Sept 24…
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Sept 15 2 x 45 seconds 2 x 1 minute (3.5 min) Sept 16 nothing Sept 17 4 x 1min (4 min) Sept 18 3 x 1 min 3 (min) Sept 19 4 x 1 min (4 min) Sept 20 nothing Sept 21 4 x 1 min (4 min) Sept 22 3 x 1 min (3 min) Sept 23 nothing Sept 24…
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Sept 15 2 x 45 seconds 2 x 1 minute (3.5 min) Sept 16 nothing Sept 17 4 x 1min (4 min) Sept 18 3 x 1 min 3 (min) Sept 19 4 x 1 min (4 min) Sept 20 nothing Sept 21 4 x 1 min (4 min) Done 26min To go 14 min
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Sept 15 2 x 45 seconds 2 x 1 minute (3.5 min) Sept 16 nothing Sept 17 4 x 1min (4 min) Sept 18 3 x 1 min 3 (min) Sept 19 4 x 1 min (4 min) Done 22min To go 18 min
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Sept 15 2 x 45 seconds 2 x 1 minute (3.5 min) Sept 16 nothing Sept 17 4 x 1min (4 min) Sept 18 3 x 1 min 3 (min) Done 18min To go 22 min
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Sept 15 2 x 45 seconds 2 x 1 minute (3.5 min) Done 10min To go 30 min My efforts seem rubbish compared to what others are doing!!
  • Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 13 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Sept 14 2 x 45 seconds (1.5 min) Done 6.5min To go 33.5 min
  • Well done. I can just about to normal plank will definitely have to build up to side plank!
  • Okay started tonight! Will add to it each day. It's a start!! Sept12 6 x 30 seconds (3 min) Done 3min To go 37 min
  • I am going to start this mid month! So I will aim for 40 minutes, alternating 2 minutes and 3 minutes each day which looks reasonable. Will post progress starting this evening. Well done everyone who is still in the challenge from the start of the month hopefully that core is rock solid now!!
  • Hi Shelley, I'm a bit concerned by it I did day 3 week 2 this morning and it's sore now. Week two done week three looks like it ramps up a bit!! Well done one week one how are you finding it?
  • Day 2 week 2 done getting a bit concerned about right elbow seems sore after doing the final set will ice and rest it. Hope everyone else doing okay.
  • Lots of good stuff on here thanks all. MFP is calculating my daily calories at 1900 to lose 0.25 kgs a week so not a massive ambition! So I will allow myself 2,000 on the basis that I am doing some exercise every day and lots on some days and see how it goes for a month. I like the point about not just relying on weight…
  • Thanks Moose. If I look at the reports for total calories it's fair to say the "gains" at the weekend probably counter the good work during the week. I guess the problem is which one wins!! What you said makes lots of sense and I am planning to have a strict month in October and see where it takes me.
  • Good luck meomai!! Thanks to all who responded to my post I am much clearer about exercise calories now. I guess the beer v belly battle will rage on but I guess I am not alone in this. I will look at the recomp thread thanks nony!
  • Hi Nony! thanks for your reply. I think I do this and MFP shows that over the course of a week I am in deficit but that last stubborn bit of belly fat is still there and my weight seems at stay pretty constant at 86 kgs. But I have to accept that I am not as meticulous in recording calories in as I need to be which is why…
  • I am in the same boat as the original poster I think, in that 5 days a week I am relatively strict but I let it go maybe a bit too much at weekends. My food diary backs that up!! I find myself torn between really wanting to lose the bit of belly fat that I have but also enjoying a few beers and the odd treat meal. Both…
  • Good luck Shelley! Week 1 complete will do day 1 week 2 tonight. Think it starts to ramp up this week! Everyone else doing okay?
  • Hi Shelley. Did you do the full 100 on your final test? Good luck with it, will be good to read about your progress.
  • week 1 day 2 done. Sticking to Monday, Wednesday, Friday which works for me. 100 seems a long way off!!!
  • Week 1 day 1 done. Seems really easy at this stage but looking at week 4-6 it gets tougher quickly! Everyone else doing okay?
  • Did my initial assessment yesterday. 25. Week 1 looks really easy but having looked at weeks4-6 I am not complaining.week1 starts tomorrow. gearhead I read it as military standard with arms parallel to the floor
  • Am new to MFP I log my exercise and food and look at some discussions of interest on the forum. Will start this on Monday and post progress hope everyone else who commits to it has success. Looks tough mind. I will do my initial attempt tonight I am guessing probably 20-25 will be about my limit. Good luck all!
  • Thanks Lorraine. Yes routine seems okay to me not sure I could do any more but belly never gets smaller it is very stubborn!