Why is it not working?

I currently weigh 149.4 pounds, I’m 5’3. My total daily expenditure is estimated 2,100 calories. I have been eating around 1,340 calories each day. I recently started getting 10,000 steps a day and have become more active. I have only lost 4 pounds in the past 3 months of doing this. Why is it not working well? According to MyFitnessPal I should be losing 1.5 pounds per week with this regimen. Someone please help! I have measured myself and I have lost less than an inch. So much effort, so little progress!


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    can you open up your food diary - you coul dhave bad entries
  • fbarnestz
    fbarnestz Posts: 2 Member
    All of my entries have been pretty much spot on. I weigh my food, check labels, and do calculations down to calories per bite!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Every possible reason detailed here, with solutions for all of them: https://www.aworkoutroutine.com/why-am-i-not-losing-weight/
  • 73CL350
    73CL350 Posts: 259 Member
    How on earth can your BMR be 2100?

    At 5'8" 180 lbs mine is 1600.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    73CL350 wrote: »
    How on earth can your BMR be 2100?

    At 5'8" 180 lbs mine is 1600.

    BMR and total daily energy expenditure are two different things.

    BMR = basal metabolic rate = # calories your body burns while functioning at it's lowest level. Think "coma calories."

    TDEE = BMR + thermal effect of food (calories burned to process what you eat) + non-exercise activity calories burned + exercise calories.
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member

    Just a quick bump to this thread. I saw the previous post with a link to the AWR site by AnvilHead and started to read some of the articles. I was also really struggling to understand why what I thought was a good exercise regime combined with calorie counting to a target of 2200 per day (I am 190 lbs and 6 ft tall with a really annoying little pot belly which I wanted to shift) wasn’t making and difference to my belly.

    What the various articles showed me was (amongst many other things):

    I wasn’t in Calorie deficit often enough for it to make a difference

    My exercise calories really weren’t making as much difference as I thought they were.

    My protein intake wasn’t high enough.

    So I have been in calorie deficit (average under 2000 calories per day now) each day for the last 2 weeks.

    I ignore exercise calories

    My daily calories contain 40-50g more protein than before. I am still short of the AWR recommended 1g per pound of bodyweight figures of 190g of protein per day but am around 140g per day which has helped.

    I have lost 1 kg allowing for daily fluctuations but more importantly the little pot belly is shrinking!

    Hope this helps, the articles on the AW site www.aworkoutroutine.com really helped I’m sure the detail is also discussed in the MFP forums as well though! So thanks to AnvliHead for pointing me in the right direction hope it helps someone else too!