VanessaOrozco082314 Member


  • I like to wear a corset or waist "trainer" through out my day. Not because I feel like squeezing my waist will actually shrink it but because I have found that when I wear it I tend to not over eat because my belly can't expand. Also the extra support helps my posture!
  • You're right I just need to focus on starting out the day strong and I will be more likely to follow through the rest of the day. Thank you!
  • That's exactly how I am! Or was. Since I couldn't control myself I just wouldn't buy it, but when I would I'd devour it within in a couple of days! So I decided the best thing was to not deprive myself of it. Melting it before I put it on anything really helps me from getting too "peanut butter happy," it makes it easier…