pylonic Member


  • Thanks for your reply. I think it is giving me way too much credit for calories burned. When I complete my journal for the day it will say you should way whatever pounds in 5 weeks if you did every day like this...the scale isn't really budging these days-so I think I am going to synchronize it and just log things. Thanks…
  • I go through times where fatigue is really bad. For me right now all the trees and things are pollinating like crazy-my allergies cause a lot of fatigue for me....not sure where you live or if you have allergies but they can be a culprit
  • I think I just found the answer to my own question-apparently we burn a lot of calories sleeping! Those 480 calories are what I have burned sleeping that night. Wow, I am surprised.
  • Hello, Thank you for your replies. I made my profile public. Please note that the last 3 days are not normal. I was away for the weekend and had other people cooking for me, so I went a little off track. I am not measuring my food, I try to actually over-estimate what I eat because I know most of us under estimate. I guess…
    in Not losing Comment by pylonic April 2015
  • Thanks-yeah this one seems so easy-and since it's free-why not try it :-) I'm not sure what went on with weight watchers as it had always worked for me in the past. I had upped my fruit and veggie intake but are a lot more veggies than fruit. I don't know-it's hard to stay motivated when you work so hard but don't see any…