laurenbfabulous Member


  • So my calories are low.... I thought that would be a good thing??? What kind of issues? At the end of the day I can see my calories are low, what is the best thing to eat (especially if I notice my calories are low late in the evening) to boost them but not mess up everything else??
  • Well I'll work on not feeling guilty then! You're my inspiration that it can be done while not completely giving up everything. :)
  • Haha, well I'm definitely not judging, more feeling relived that I'm not the only one sneaking a couple of guilty pleasures in to my calculations! ;) I'll make my diary open, but it's pretty short since I just started this. Thanks for all the food ideas!!
  • Sooo... I'm excited to find other folks with kids to see their diary... and also feels a little creepy looking at what everyone is eating. Please tell me I'm not the only one?? I'm new to this so I'm excited to get ideas about what to eat. :)