2 tiffany rothe workout videos, 18 mins of just dance, and walked for a mile.
Hello my name is tiffany.
When you crave foods, or are bored, or your body is telling you, you are hungry. Try drinking a glass of water, if you are still hungry then eat something, if not ask yourself why? If it's not a good reason then try to do something else. Find out why you have those craving bored? Go for a walk, listen to music, talk to…
You can have a shake right before or after a work out, you can eats lots if protein if you want to bulk up, don't work out on an empty stomach. It really doesn't help with burning the stored fat. You have to work 30mibs or more to hack into the stored fat and start burning it. A good idea is taking one to two hours out if…
Not trying to tell anyone what to do, but people should not do work outs like this one unless they are in better shape because you have more of a chance of hurting yourself. Try do weight training with weights or body weight. And do one or two body parts a day. And you don't need to do it for hours either, just 30 mins a…
Frozen meals are really not good for you, I used to eat them till I heard they put chemicals in them. And one thing you can do, if you are always on the run is take one to two hours out of a day and cook, and freeze for food for the week or two weeks. That way you know what's in your food.
Not hot, makes teeth yellow, breath smell, you smell, and age faster.