jcatz3 Member


  • I am back to planning my meals the night before which is helping, I usually say I start on a Monday but this week I got back into it yesterday. Hopefully the weathers a bit nicer here again soon and not pouring with rain so I can get out and walk again. I know its a hard process, i think i can be too hard on myself!
  • I know its completely my own fault for going off track. But I'm starting to feel tired and sluggish again like before so I know I need to get myself back into gear again. I Will have a look at those exercise videos thanks!
  • Its nice to hear that its more people that do it too. Bad days always make me feel guilty. I usually have a day when I will allow myself to have something takeaway or dinner out.
    in Bad Days Comment by jcatz3 January 2015
  • I know, i just feel guilty that it couldve been a good day instead of a bad one to keep on the lose. But its one day out of a week and you've got to have them
    in Bad Days Comment by jcatz3 January 2015