mangotango Member


  • Haven't been on this forum in ages but reading your different comments today about purging and downsizing sure hit home. That's exacty where I am too......once we truly make the decision which house to sell, we can move forward. Mucho problem with that aspect. Super good idea though on taking pics of "stuff" and then…
  • Dream On - we will be staying in the Keys for a month and then varying lengths of time at Fort DeSoto, Lake Okechobee, Cedar Key and Pensacola. Since it's a first year snowbirding we are basically open to exploring and touching base with friends that winter in Florida too. Escaping the Northern Illinois cold and snow…
  • Somehow this only posted first sentence (above) of what I typed last night. Wonder what black hole in cyberspace its locked in? Jan, I hope your histamine problem settles down quickly. It sounds really crummy, especially with so many everyday foods involved. Good that you recognized the symptoms and know what you need to…
  • Thanks for the good wishes Kathy and yes the prep is definitely worthwhile.
  • Trying to get back on track with food & exercise. That scale has been edging in definite wrong direction and I need to do a big U turn right now! Been cooking and sampling way too much since retiring a few weeks ago. We'll be snowbirding in Florida this winter for the first time. I have a crazy amount of lists and an ever…
  • Jan - much happiness and great adventures in your travels with your new motor home. Thank you for the recommendation in Florida - the Cedar Key pictures on Pinterest have a lovely old Florida ambiance and charm. Very appealing! This newbie RVer really appreciates the tip!
  • Thanks for the retirement congrats Dream On.....this is wonderfully renewing and feels so right!
  • Thanks for the much appreciated good wishes on retirement. Love having so many time choices now! I'll likely be having a get together the end of the month and the soup/salad bar is just the perfect way to go. Not only yummy but will make life so much simpler. Perfect timing on that idea. Thanks Charlie. Jan - you can come…
  • Fall is wonderful & I'm really grateful for it. The color change here in Illinois has only barely begun. The big change for me is that this is my first week of retirement! Hooray! Now on to a whole new chapter. Vowing to get back on track after all the special lunches, party food etc. Up 2 lbs and want to nip that in the…
  • Love west Michigan too! Heading up on Thursday and can't wait to be out on the lake. Rarely have flies to deal with either - maybe they know I bite back!
  • Congratulations on retiring! So neat to just think of! I am down to my last two weeks of work, so will join you in the "retirement club" shortly! Relax and enjoy. Marie
  • GCharlie - reading about your day snapped me right into a reality check. I filed my petty complaints when I read what you were dealing with! Sure hope that you are feeling lots better and getting some real help from your doctor. Take care & do get checked out! So sorry to hear you are dealing with all that - scary stuff…
  • Was very interested to learn that you and your husband are traveling in an RV Jan. That's what we plan on doing this winter. We've only ever done very short term travel in our camper, so all new experience for us. We are really looking forward to escaping the Illinois cold and snow. Possibly much more after that if we find…
  • Thanks for the good wishes! Fitness will definitely be a priority. It will be fun to explore some options and find a path that I like on exercise. SeeingtheLight - noticed Muskegon in your post. Love it up there! We live in IL but have a cottage in Ludington on Hamlin. Hope to spend a summer up there next year! Marie
  • Very grateful to have only a month left until retirement - Hooray! I am really looking forward to it. (Understatement there). It's exciting to just know I will really have time to myself! I plan to be joining in here more in the future. Hope you can find room for one more in the group. You all seem so well versed in the…
  • Had to add my two cents on this. I had my eyelids done on St. Patrick's Day. Wonderful results - I too had the sleepy, cranky, tired look. Gone now! Recovery was easy. Gel pads soaked in ice water for about 3 days, minimal swelling and almost no bruising - piece of cake! Discomfort no pain. But I kept the best for last…
  • Charlie sounds like that adjustment lead to quite an improvement for you. Happy you are feeling so much better. Marie
    in May Chat Comment by mangotango May 2015
  • Welcome Barbara - glad to have you join the group. Sounds like quite a trip you are planning! I used to do lots of riding in the Phillipines but haven't in years. Great group here - lots of support and ideas. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Marie
  • Hello and welcome! Friendly supportive group here. Just jump right in. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
    in New Comment by mangotango May 2015
  • Thanks Retire - I am like a kid waiting for Christmas! Unfortunately I don't live by a beach Dream. I'm in northern Illinois about 40 miles from Chicago. I think you might have meant that for BVI. Pulled out my summer clothes and I am loving it - they are too BIG! Hooray and then some! LOL I will admit that it's a kick to…
  • Count me in on the Leslie Sansone fan list. I don't post often but do follow your posts when I get down time at work. (LOL guess I am lurking in the background). I am Grateful for my job & even more grateful to be retiring this year! So many options opening up and so much to be thankful for! Have a great day! Marie
  • Mxchana - thanks for the link on Leslie Sansone. I use her you tube videos and am curious to see how burn differs with putting in as aerobics.
  • Good way to look at it.... Extra baggage. I don't even like it when my purse gets heavy from extra stuff rattling around! Hurts my neck & shoulders
  • Thanks for the encouragement Gramanana - I hit the 90 days on MFP & looked back to check under progress. Loss is 11.8 lbs so little short of 1 lb. a week. That made me feel a tad better. Going to start a walking challenge at work next week. Let's see what this knee of mine will tolerate without too much protest! Marie
  • Hey Retire - thanks. Been reading thru all - will have to sort it out a bit in my head. Just really tired and need to get some zzzz's. Thanks for bumping the discussion! Marie
  • Let me know what you think. I've toyed with the idea of buying one but haven't so far.
  • Oops - Meant to add my name at the end Marie
  • The above posts are encouraging - I know I am doing the right things and yet the darn scale is glacially slow on dropping. I started in mid January - dropped 10 lbs and seem to be just "hanging" there. I am 67 yrs old so I am sure this factors in. On a positive note - I have dropped two pants sizes YEAH! Also am seeing…