Lmao naw your not creepy. I mean the ones that post nothing and have no pic and lurk others profile's lol
Hidden profiles are creepy
Awwww yay I got my first friend request :)
Do people even really send friend requests on here cause I ain't ever got one. I must not be special :'( lol
I screwed up first time and commented on someone's comment instead of post so let's try this again lol... sure I would accept friend request :)
Exactly! :) it's just hard cause I love dr pepper and sweets and bread lol. I did awesome all day at work eating healthy and watching my calories until I got home and ate dinner and then bombed lol. Tomorrow will be a better day I have to tell myself. That is awesome your parents are being good supporters. We all need…
Well my kids are younger and you know how blunt kids are. My 7 yr and 4yr old both have called me fat. They say I'm still beautiful and they love me but I'm fat and that hurts but kinda gives me motivation to try harder so they don't think that way
Nice to meet you :) I use to be thin and in shape when I was a teenager all the way up until I had my first kid at 27 and then it all went downhill. I use to could eat whatever and never gain over 145 lbs and thought I was fat then and man I would give anything to be back to that. You can do this :)
Sure why not