This never works for me. I have never, ever forgotten where I hide chocolate or candy.
I have my activity level set at sedentary, but the last few days have been working a temp job that has me on my feet moving non-stop. Yesterday we were so busy that lunch was delayed and by that time I was so thirsty that I had no interest in eating. So by 2 pm I had a terrific deficit going and if I had finished my day…
If it works for you, it's right.
Not shallow in my world at all. I lost 100 lbs. in preparation for having a sex life again after nearly 20 years of chastity.
Make your "rule" that you can't eat it in bed, but go ahead and still eat the amount/type of food that you have been. Once you've broken the bed habit, then start working on cutting down quantities. Once you've got the quantity down to a calorie amount that fits your day then decide if you want to change out the food type.
I used to be a Sweet Adeline (women's barbershop singing) and our chorus sang an arrangement of this. Yep, try singing that one in 4-part acapella harmony!
Yep, I generally add 1 Tbs of dark chocolate chips to my daily yogurt. I thought I'd replace the chocolate with 1/4-1/3 cup of cereal to cut the calories but still have some sweet bits. I laughed out loud when I logged it and discovered the chocolate was less calories than either of the cereals I'd experimented with.…
And don't forget, you also get shorter over those 40 years. If you plug in your height from your high school physical but you're in your 50s, its not going to be accurate so you may be calculating the wrong BMR for yourself. Grrrr.
Yep, we decided on a pizza pie as well.
Today on my walk I spotted a half eaten bagel on the side of the road. In the past I would have assumed someone set it on the top of their car as they were getting in and then forgot it. Now thanks to this thread I'm wondering if someone tossed it out the window on purpose to avoid the calories.
That skin tags were connected to being fat. I had no idea until I lost 100 lbs. and stopped getting them.
On Android, free app called My Tracks.
I make a 1.5 hour road trip just to stock up on their plain, non-fat yogurt. It's THAT good.
That trick has never worked for me. When I want a treat that is frozen I eat it in the frozen state, rarely even defrosting with micro when that option is available.
Had an appointment at electrolysist this morning in the city. Her office is very close to a store I can get dark chocolate caramels. I know a box of them is 1100 cals so I skipped breakfast before the appointment and stopped at that store on the way to the appointment. My plan was to eat half the box before the appointment…
"Distracted eating", which many warn against is the only thing I've found slows me down. If all I'm doing is eating then the meal is over very quickly. As I've pre-portioned out what I plan to eat at any given time I've decided after 55 years of eating too fast I'm not worrying about this habit any more.
I've lost 100 lbs. by eating every 2-3 hours most days. I don't believe the timing is relevant but it helped me with the sensation I perceive as hunger. I've found I get this feeling irregardless of the size or quality of the previous meal so now I basically divide up every meal so I can spread it out. For example lunch…
thanks, good to know I didn't just miss it
Use the processed foods to make the "better" options more palatable to you. For example, I make myself a buffalo chicken wrap that initially would include a buffalo chicken tender with a little bit of greens in it that had a blue cheese dressing. Over time I kept adjusting the proportions so now that wrap is a full cup of…
At the age of 55 I have to go to bed at 10 because hot flashes wake me up between 2 and 4 am and some nights I then can't go back to sleep.
I went off BCP at age 53 and within 6-8 weeks started epic night sweats so got very little sleep for the next 6 months. Over the next 2 years they've gotten less intense without me taking anything. I did talk to my gyn and basically decided that HRT would just delay the adjustment time so decided not to take anything. I do…
Yep, used to work in a town with Polish bakers and haven't had Paczki in the 13 years since I moved to NC. Yesterday I stopped at a store for some milk and they were had a special display of them. I had 2 yesterday and 1 this morning. And hmmm, didn't happen to track on MFP either day....
Agreed. Acknowledging this factor helped me design a new "normal" way of eating where I eat small amounts every few hours. I learned long ago that my hunger level had NOTHING to do with the amount or quality of the food I had recently eaten. I am going to get hungry again regardless so now break up what would have been a…
I'm a 34F so understand the small ribcage/big boobs problem and I love Enell.
Check out the movie "The Way" if you're interested in Camino de Santiago.
For those of you looking for entertainment while walking, I highly recommend podcasts. I download mine while at home using WIFI so I'm not using up data plan while listening while out on my walks. The podcast aggregator I use is Podcast Addict.
This. I had been so afraid of the surgery that I had been eating extremely lowfat for nearly a year so as to not trigger any events. So once it came out I started eating high fat foods I had missed which did cause a weight gain. But once I got over the novelty of being able to eat without pain again I stopped overindulging.
If I wasn't old enough to be his mother and already in a committed relationship, I'd be making a road trip to TN to look up dougpconnell219. Funny guy!
For me Wendy's small chili is a good choice.