onlymugwump Member


  • At 4'11" the MFP suggested 1200 but my GP said nothing lower than 1400 as you are likely to send your body into starvation mode then pack on the fat rather than muscle. Saying that I seem to lose very little weight despite sticking to 1400 and exercising regularly - must be doing something wrong :\
  • I'm hypo too, diagnosed after the birth of number 1 son 14 yrs ago, I take levothyroxine and find it near impossible to lose weight despite lost of exercise and not eating more than 1400 cals a day. How's has everyone else lost weight ? Would love some ideas on how to control my thyroid xx
  • There are lots of support groups around but beware of the competitive fibro sufferers, one group I joined just seemed to be everyone trying to get one up on the others in terms of who was suffering the most or could get the most in benefit payments! Definitely not supportive! There is a Facebook group called fibro fit…
  • I have fibro, diagnosed in my teenage years and now in my 40's. I have found the more I exercise the better I feel. I know it's easy to say hut for me it has been a godsend. I started very slowly with walking making myself do an extra 20 steps each day so basically I challenged myself to walk 20 more steps than the…