Hidden ink
Epic hair
I have 6 kids, 5 grand babies.
What's wrong with putting lotion on by the mirror... Masturbating in steam room...seen it not done it
- impressed!!
I have thyroid issues and have found low carb, high protein to be helpful. Carbs are poison..log and watch macros
Throw the scale away so you aren't tempted? I don't do them either.
I'm not 24 but all over being healthy. Let me know if I can help. Great success on the journey.
Yes I will give you my artist number, sure:)
Love your top
Very cool!!
I'm 50
Exfoliate and use lots of lotion. I'm a 100 pound loser and not too bad. I steam after working out and lotion up before bed and after showers
Very observant. ;)
Raw spinach so I go know...
Gorgeous hair
Being able to take and give a compliment. .well done
Haha...same tasting last Friday. ..i lost count at 10 glasses so...
Butterflies, lilacs and forget me nots, frill.
Get on it and ramp it to fifteen and do 65 minutes as hard as I can...ride her hard and leave her wet with my sweat...
Hey. Thanks. Heart touched
I had a brain injury in 2008 and became someone else. A lilac because my lover said it's her favorite flower and wished they bloomed all year so now she sleeps and smells them always. .forget me nots as i have memory problems and alaskan. State flower. Butterflies as i was reborn. I must have 20 total. Next is a heart, old…