I'm going to get insanity's plyo video and substitute it for p90s tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes.
Nice yeah p90 is the same way it's switched up every 30 days and has a diet plan. Did you purchase insanity's nutrition guide or anything or are you just following its recommended macros the best you can? I've been a little loose with p90s diet that might be why I've hit a wall.
Haven't tried insanity yet but I'm on my last 2 weeks of my first p90x which I really enjoy, I've lost 23 lbs and have 2 weeks left so I definitely want to check that out after. How do you like it? I'm trying to get down weight to join the military and the last 10 lbs I need have been so difficult after reaching a plateau…
Hey guys I'm 25 currently been stuck at a weight plateau after dropping 23 lbs in the last 5 months and i'm struggling for these last 10 lbs I need to drop to go into the armed forces. Keep eating clean food and give it your all during exercise, it's the only way you'll see progress and results. I'll add you guys.
What's up im 25 years old been working hard for 5 months now towards my short term goal of reaching 174 lbs in order to meet weight reqs for the US Navy but will definitely be going beyond that. I'm down 23 lbs and looking for any like-minded friends to help out with diet and exercise and keep each other motivated as these…