Jess757 Member


  • Just got one for Christmas, add me if you want to do some challenges
  • Last week I lost 3 pounds, then over the weekend gained it all back because of bad choices. This week I lost the same 3lbs. again. Hoping the upcoming week I can stay on track and loss a few more.
  • Feeling Happy today. Friday is what I consider the end of the week. Lost 3 lbs and that makes me every excited. This is my first week thought. I gave up soda and fast food, and increased my water intake dramatically for me. Now to keep the momentum going I plan on trying to get a good work out in 4 nights a week. I do the…
  • New to the group. I am a FTM with a 5 month old son. I gained 40lbs while preggo, I was 130 and ended at 170. I am 160 and would like to loss 30-40 lbs before we try for our next little one. We want them pretty close together. I am trying to eat right and am doing videos at home for the time being.
  • I'm starting Insanity tonight. Feel Free to add me.