tmcpeake4 Member


  • I have taken a break when I am sick, or on vacation. Otherwise, it's six days a week on average. I weigh and measure all my food, just like I have since the beginning. It's just a natural part of eating for me now. My calorie intake is slightly lower than what MFP has me at, but if I am hungry I eat. My poor trainer is…
  • Are you still using YOLI? Did you find long term success?
  • My doctor believes that your body is comfortable at the weight you had in college age years. I am about 50 pounds lower than that. She knows it is *possible* to lose more, but maybe not healthly, practical or sustainable. She had an eating disorder, so is sensitive to taking things too far. I get that, but I have this…
  • I am a middle school band director and exercise an hour a day, using a chest strap heart rate monitor. I don't eat my exercise calories back, so I don't worry too much about what that number is. I weigh and measure my food. Drink only water and tea. My goals are to lose .5-1 pound a week, and my activity level is 'lightly…
  • I should probably add that part of my frustration is that I've been stalled for about 3 months. Holding steady at 166, with changing work outs and calorie goals. High protein is what my trainer thinks might restart things. My doctor thinks that this is it for me, and that I should be content where I am.