

  • Hi, just added you on fitbit. I was wondering how we do it, now I know! Hopefully this will get me moving more! Anyone else like to add me? Here's my link
  • I'm adding you but have no idea how to connect us to fitbit. I've been trying hard to reach 10,000 steps and have done so several times last week, sadly not had the walking time this week, maybe new friends will push me that bit further. Please feel free to add me too everyone :smile:
  • Hello I'm Dianne and I'd love some new friends! I really think its great that we can encourage each other along and learn new things as we go. Please add me :)
  • Hello :smile:
    in Hi Comment by atomicloser February 2015
  • Check you out! From frump to girl with attitude! I'm a similar build now to what you were. I hope to god I can look like you at the end. Very inspiring. Congratulations.
  • I wonder if taking digestive enzymes with your meal could help. Here's a link to a good report on the subject Also having a quick glance at your food diary I think it could be the grains your eating. Oats in the morning and bran…