cindybakedababy Member


  • Were you on IV's for hydration? They often put a mix in that also has glucose in it so you get calories as well. I was hospitalized for a month and on that.
  • I can't find the South Beach Diet Group. Can you post a link for me?
  • I love South Beach Diet. I went from 210 to 135 a few years ago on South Beach. I have been sick and had lung surgery this last year which left me nearly bed bound and my eating habits went out of control so I am up 30 pounds and back to phase 1. My sugar and carb cravings are already gone. I can't wait to get back down to…
  • I do South Beach Diet and I sometimes get stuck in a rut and need to refresh my fridge. I make lettuce tacos with grilled chicken or lean ground beef or pork, green sauce, a little cheese, avocado slices, you can also add black beans.