Eight Pounds in 6 Days? Any insight?

Okay. First some background.
I've been losing weight pretty steadily since the beginning of February thanks to beginning to work out again and watching what I eat. Also, I'm on Wellbutrin, which curbs my appetite. I have an eating schedule because I work out quite a bit, and I usually try not to go over 1400 calories (unless it's that time of the month, I give those three days to the wind.) Anyway. A few weeks ago, I was hospitalized for six days. I got there on a Friday afternoon and weighed 232.2 pounds (Which is a HUGE accomplishment for me since when I began this journey last May, I weighed 290. That's almost 60 pounds. Which I never thought I'd accomplish. I digress). When I left the morning of the following Thursday, I was 240.5? I'm pretty sure it's not possible to gain eight pounds in 6 days, so I just attributed it to being water weight. I ate only when I was hungry in the beginning because that's what I'm used to doing, but they seemed really concerned that I was losing weight even though I let them know that the Wellbutrin curbed my appetite and that I would eat when I needed to. They were actually trying to get me to gain weight? Which I don't understand because I'm clearly overweight. Anyway. So for the last four days or so I ate when the meal times came around just so they didn't make me stay any longer than I really needed to.
So that's the background.
Now, it's been three weeks (today, actually) since I got out, and my weight hasn't gone down much at all? I do T25 and Insanity Max 30 and I'd like to think that maybe I'm still holding on to some water because due to other events I hadn't worked out for two weeks prior to hospitalization. But i mean, I'm starting to run out of excuses for why my weight is stagnant. Everything I've read said water will go away in two or so weeks if you're watching your sodium intake/drinking enough water. Now, I know I had to have gained a pound or two because hospitals are like, you're constantly eating and there's really no way to exercise, but there is no way that I gained eight pounds of fat in 6 days.
Anyone have any insight?


  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Were you on pain medication while you were in the hospital? I've heard some horror stories from my friends about the constipation meds can cause. I'm not sure that would last for 3 weeks, though.
  • AerosDynamic
    AerosDynamic Posts: 2 Member
    I've dealt with the pain meds thing-the horror stories you hear are true.
    It's not that this time though.
  • cindybakedababy
    cindybakedababy Posts: 4 Member
    Were you on IV's for hydration? They often put a mix in that also has glucose in it so you get calories as well. I was hospitalized for a month and on that.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Perhaps you were dehydrated before you went in, so when you increased your hydration to a proper level, you gained weight and kept it. I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep following the process and the weight will begin to drop again.