jstarman18 Member


  • My goal is 2270, although I have yet to consume that many. Now, I'm not dropping weight but that's not my main goal. I do think you should bump up that goal and get some more protein in you. Of course keep eating those veggies, but throw some grains and meats in there as well.
  • Thanks! And I had a pretty good base to start off of because I played hockey for 7 years so when I stopped that and started lifting it just felt like a natural fit to powerlift :smiley:
  • I don't believe that if the doctor said she needed to gain weight that she does. However, of course, she does need to be eating regularly. At least snacks on the go, and meals when at home. Especially if her intent is to be a competitive dancer. 104 lbs for 5'3", being muscular with a dancers figure is healthy, I believe.…
  • Focus on smaller goals so you don't get discouraged when you don't drop a lot immediately! Taking baby steps and aiming for smaller goals will keep you sane. Ex. Aim for ten pounds less than you weigh right now, when you hit that aim for ten pounds less than that, rather than just focusing on that hundred!