Jsullivan199001 Member


  • How can I download and edit the spread sheet? I have tried and it won’t let me edit it? Thanks
  • Thank you everyone
  • Thank you Jane. I have put in “active” even thought I have a senditary job as I am now going to try and train 3-4 times per week. 1620 calories.
  • So basically eat more calories to lose weight?
  • It says 1620 calories for a loss of 1lbs per week. Can I really eat this much and still lose weight?
  • To lose 2lbs per week I put in
  • Yes it says 1200 calories which I think is really low
  • Thank you for your help. I am going away to work abroad in May and really want to lose the excess fat. Can anyone help me with how many calories I need, shall I stick to 1400 still I don’t think I can go any less
  • Thank you. That is true as it was a lot easier to shift the weight when I was a little higher in weight. I have been strength training for about a year now but like I said I’m still unsure about how many calories etc to actually stick to to reach my goals which is why I probably make no progress and end up switching diets!…
  • Thank you guys. Michael what do you mean as recomp?
  • Thanks so much guys. To be honest I’ve been the same weight for about a year an half now, although I was training with a PT last year I still can’t seem to get my calories right and I will stick to it for like a week lose no weight then panic and change diets!! It’s mainly my stomach and I know you definitely can’t spot…