ClassySassy24 Member


  • Challenge SW 140 lbs Challenge GW 130 2/22 139lbs 3/4 139 3/8 136 3/17 137 Rough week! Besides work I had a bunch of events, conferences, and family stuff happening. Didn’t make my St. Patrick’s Day goal and I am1 pound up but life has been really busy so I’m not too upset. It happens, next week more focus on veggies and…
  • Thank God! This week went a lot better and I’m basically back on track. Less wine and less snacking is my win for the week! Challenge SW 140 lbs Challenge GW 130 2/22 139lbs 3/4 139 3/8 136 I’m counting St. Patrick’s day as a 5 pound goal I set with some family members and am soooooo hopeful that I’ll make it!! Any advise…
  • Okay so last week was crazy and after a weekend of eating everything in sight my weight as not changed miraculously. I’ve got a salad for lunch today and hoping to turn it around this week! Challenge SW 140 lbs Challenge GW 130 2/22 139lbs 3/4 139
  • I started this week so strict and so focused and then Wednesday and her twin sister Thursday kicked my hiney. Next week will be better? Maybe. Anyways 1 lbs down... success! Challenge SW 140 lbs Challenge GW 130 2/22 139lbs
  • I want to join! I’ve been on this app for 4 years and have never really “committed”. SW 149 CW 140 Easter GW 130 Ultimate GW 124 (or just turn into Audrey Hepburn) whichever comes first!