somaliris Member


  • Name: Carri Age: 37 Height: 5' 5" Start weight (30th Jan): 181 Goal weight (1st March): 174 Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 181 8th Feb: 178.2 15th Feb: 177 22nd Feb: 176.2 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week:.8 Weight loss/gain so far this month: 4.8 Struggles/successes this week: Did well on exercise. Wasn't great about completing…
  • Congratulations! That's an amazing, motivational transformation. It seems like you've succeeded in making a true lifestyle and outlook change instead of just a mere weight-loss diet. Have you ever considered starting a healthy eating/recipe blog? What I loved seeing about your meal pictures (besides the fact that they are…
  • Name: Carri Age: 37 Height: 5' 5" Start weight (30th Jan): 181 Goal weight (1st March): 174 Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 181 8th Feb: 178.2 15th Feb: 177 22nd Feb: 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week:1.2 Weight loss/gain so far this month: 4 Struggles/successes this week: 1.2 pounds makes me more than happy. I had mostly really…
  • Thank you! I sometimes do get a little overzealous. :) I have been doing core exercises (not anything too crazy, planks and crunches and that type of thing) and I actually think that helped my back. But I have terrible posture, and a standing desk at work. I catch myself letting my abs and back slump, and resting my…
  • Name: Carri Age: 37 Height: 5' 5" Start weight (30th Jan): 181 Goal weight (1st March): 174 Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 181 8th Feb: 178.2 15th Feb: 22nd Feb: 1st March: Weight loss/gain this week:2.8 Weight loss/gain so far this month:2.8 Struggles/successes this week: Almost 3 pounds, yay! Had a great week, ate well, didn't feel…
  • Name: Carri Age: 37 Height: 5' 5" Start weight (30th Jan): 181 Goal weight (1st March): 174 Weigh ins: 1st Feb: 181 8th Feb: 15th Feb: 22nd Feb: 1st March: Struggles/successes this week: last week was my first week using MFP after a long absence. I had a pretty good week, lost 2 pounds, ate reasonably. Didn't exercise the…
  • Great way to stay motivated and accountable! I didn't so much fall off the wagon over the past few months as much as completely pretend the wagon doesn't even exist. Luckily I only gained back about 5 pounds of the 25 I had lost last year. I have a goal to lose 50 pounds this year, which will put me right around my former…