chemlabdoc Member


  • Hello, I have the Garmin Vivoactive and it works great. I record either running or cycling and those upload automatically through my phone. Garmin Connect then sends the calories to MFP. The watch also tracks steps and will provide a calorie adjustment for the steps without double counting steps from running. I then get a…
  • Yes it is about the time. The first mile took you 24 minutes and the second mile only 20 minutes. If you continue at 3MPH for 24 min you will have gone 1.2 miles and burned more calories.
  • I got this from a book. Either Noakes or Fitzgerald. It regards a study of cyclists trying to either lose weight, increase performance, or both. The study determined that the performance gains of the both group were inferior to the gains of the not losing weight group. This was done with already fit people. I didn't mean…
  • Thanks for the numbers Don. I tried to look at Strava to compare numbers and it turns out that I can't come to any reasonable conclusions. If it helps I present my rambling below. If not...oh well. Everyone's max HR and training zones are different. The 220-age thing=max doesn't work for most people. The Maffetone method…
  • In that link you posted it says to do the test often. Two data points in four years is tough to interpret. It is also challenging to lose weight and increase performance simultaneously. What pace were you testing at and what HR?
  • Spokane River Run 50k trail run. 4:49 is a new best for me on this course. Losing 20 lbs helped a ton.
  • You will do fine. I ran a 50k first before any marathons. I had my fastest time when I walked the uphills. I will see if I can beat it this year but who knows. 9 hours for 50k is tons of time. You would have to break something to not finish that. I would also say don't stress about nutrition. Eat what looks good at the…
  • It is just fine to eat after a workout. Your body has all sorts of stored energy.
  • I would always log whatever I'm going to eat/ drink before I do it. If you go over you know in advance.
  • The campus menu should have nutritional info, so you can plan what to eat in advance. It doesn't have to be salad all the time. Once you have a calorie goal you can pick specific items to fit. MFP has many entries for Sodexho, that runs some cafeterias. That can give a good estimate if you can't find published info. Use…
  • The HRM just counts heartbeats and that can vary depending on how you are feeling. Try it some more times to see if it levels off.
  • I would guess that the hip pain is just due to the repetition of the eliptical. The amount of cardio is no big deal, just do something else that doesn't hurt. There are marathon runners that run 100 miles per week and there are also people that tell them it is unhealthy. Try to find out what works for you. It looks like…
  • Great work. That first mile is the same as running a marathon. So now you aim for 2. After that you can think about 3. Don't worry about speed. That will come later.
  • I agree with seeing how you feel running outside. When you are just getting started you don't want to run too fast for a long time. Jogging will help your body figure out what it needs to do to be efficient. For jogging on the treadmill set the incline to 0 or 1. Give your body some time and see if the wobble and side ache…
  • What I really like about the app is using my phone to enter everything. The scanner works well with anything that has a barcode. For homemade stuff I can make a recipe and divide into servings. There are also many recipes on the internet that you can just download. Since I am not normally a snacker I will divide up the…
  • Mine is open to friends as well. Nosy friends and comments are welcome.
  • There are things called Quadzilla-- four marathons in four days. Taking only two weeks between races isn't as mad as you may think. Ten hours is plenty of time for 30 miles. You should be able to enjoy it.
  • It looks like your training is good except the longest run needs to be longer. You should be able to run 20 miles comfortably. This gives your body the confidence it needs to not give up. During the race you can have a walk run strategy from the beginning. Walk for a minute after every water stop for example. Some people…
  • Also, the net calories is after any exercise calories are subtracted.
  • A glass of wine equals a mile run.
  • I find it easier to exercise before eating or drinking (beer) extra. Think about earning the extra nibbles rather than trying to pay for it later. That way you won't have to kill your feet.
  • I run for the bonus calories. Afterward I can have a beer and a snack. With the right clothes it is easy to stay warm running outside.
  • The most recommended is once a week. The time doesn't matter as long as it is the same time each week. If you weigh yourself daily even at the same time there are a lot of ups and downs. As long as you know that, it shouldn't be a problem, but it can make you feel like you are not doing well.
  • I agree with parking far away. Also use the bathroom on a different floor and take the long way to meetings. If you print something, choose a printer you have to walk to. Hand deliver things. It is (short term) not the most efficient way to work, but by being healthier you can be (long term) more productive.
  • I joined MFP for the very reason to get rid of the last 10. The older I get the tougher it is. I have found that running a lot doesn't help if you still keep eating a lot. I haven't actually counted calories before and didn't realize how much I was eating. Now I am planning to be able to stay at a happy weight for good.
  • It's totally doable. I ran my first 50k before a marathon. If you have run marathons...its only 6 miles more. For the 50 miler you just slow down a little more and eat. Peanut butter and jelly, grapes, bananas, potato chips, m&ms. When you nail that you will start looking for 100s.
  • If you want to train on ice, try icebugs. They are at amazon and shoebuy. They are studded and work great.
  • Brain training for runners by Matt Fitzgerald. I have that on kindle.
  • Ultras are great. You get to meet and run with cool people. Volunteering at races is also fun. What distance are you working toward?