SyllyReth Member


  • Throughout my day today I managed to get in my 3 miles and nearly 7,000 steps, which is great compared to my usual day. I sit at a desk all day typing, so there's not a lot of opportunity for walking around. My main goal is to simply increase that any way I can.
  • I'm totally in! Using my fitbit as well -
  • I know how you feel. I am hovering around 325-330 and seem t o have a harder time really sticking to it. I am terrible about logging my food, worse about actually drinking water, and it seems like I only stay really motivated when I have a good group of people around me. I've sent you a friend request :)
  • I only lost about 20 pounds and then regained it all, but decided to get it all done again. I have a reward system for myself set up for every 20 pounds. I am really, really bad about tracking my food so that's a goal for me, too! I sent a friend request. It looks like we can help motivate each other!
  • I hate salad and have had a terrible time finding something I like. I, fortunately, don't like ranch or other creamy dressings (which makes it easier). I found a pomegranate blueberry vinaigrette that I absolutely love. Litehouse makes it, but I can tell you that a substitution isn't going to be the same or scratch that…
  • I need to lose 180 pounds. Welcome to MFP! I sent you a request.
  • I ate an entire chocolate bunny today, starting at 8am. I don't eat an entire chocolate bunny every day, so it's not the end of the world.
    in bad day Comment by SyllyReth April 2015
  • I weigh every morning to get an idea of fluctuations, record with my friends in a support group once a week. I measure myself at the first of every month. Sometimes the scale doesn't seem to be moving, but the measurements will be encouraging.
  • I used to use BMF but got annoyed with it being on my arm. It made me really uncomfortable and I never got used to it being there. The tracking was fabulous, though. I have a FitBit now, but am planning on getting the Up3 if they ever get them manufactured and out.
  • Trying to get 180 off here. Feel free to add me! Could use all the support/motivation I can get.
  • I am Samantha and grew up being read epic fantasy novels every night. My parents wanted to start me off early. I will try almost any game, but I have a very strong preference toward RPG (console, PC, MMO, tabletop... gimme all of 'em). I am the Dungeon Master for my group that doesn't get together nearly enough, and I was…
  • Whining, for sure, but I have a whining buddy so it's all good.
  • Shark week is sometimes pretty rough for me and sometimes it's less difficult to get through. If I'm having a particularly bad week, I definitely slow down on the exercise and give myself a little leeway as far as getting moving every single day. I get some problematic cramps sometimes, though... the kind where it hurts to…
  • My birthday is not touched by silly things like calorie counting lol Really, though, I use my birthday as kind of a cheat day and just move on from there. I am focusing on not eating insane calories every single day of the year the rest of the time. Christmas and Thanksgiving also fall under this for me. One piece of cake…
  • This is such an inspiration. Congratulations on taking your life back! Thank you for sharing this story!
  • I am totally down if this group is still active?
  • My name is Samantha and as of writing this I must be on attempt number 563. My starting weight is 320 and according to the vast reaches of the internet that puts my BMI at 45.8. I am hoping to lose between 150-180 pounds to find myself at a healthy weight. I'm working with my doctor and a great support group of friends…
  • A few years ago I picked up an entire series because I liked the covers. It's called Fablehaven (also the title of the first book in the series) and I loved it. It's clearly geared at younger readers. The main character is 13 in the first book, with a younger brother, but I absolutely fell in love with it (I'm 28). It's…
  • I participate in NaNo every year and then work on Camp NaNo on the "off months" when it is offered. I have a 320 page novel finished and in the editing process and will be starting on the second novel in the series on April 1 for Camp NaNo. It gives me a little extra motivation to write when I have a set goal.
  • Hey! I am Samantha, and I am a reader and writer. My primary genres (for both) are fantasy and science-fiction. My mom and dad started reading The Hobbit to me when I was two, and the first book I really remember is LotR, which they started when I was four and used to help teach me to read. They read to me so much that…
  • I am currently in the process of reading and doing a chapter-by-chapter reaction blog to the 50 Shades series. After that's done, I am going to go back to my choice literature and read something new in the fantasy genre.
  • Indiana =/ Not that I like to admit it.
  • I don't have very many friends that use Fitbit, so I could use some extra motivation
  • It is definitely woth th money for me. I wear my Flex ALL the time and rely pretty heavily on it to change my calorie intake throughout the day. It's making a huge difference and I absolutely love it. Do not regret spending the money at all.
  • Always looking for more friends and support. I have 180 pounds to lose and am trying to become more active. Baby steps, but it's happening.
  • I add pretty much everyone, so yeah.