Whoops! I forgot to say thank you! Thanks so much for the replies!! It's so good to see what and how others do it.
Some good ideas Going on here, and I still am getting the same answers I was hoping for but I do want to clear a couple of things up. When I said "skinny" I didn't mean skinny. What I should of said was "putting a time limit on your long term goal" whatever that may be, to lose 30 kilos, to gain 10 kilos of muscle, to be…
Here! ;)
I have a glass of cold water with a tblsp of white chai seeds in it to help me not overeat at dinner... I drink it quickly before the chai seeds swell up and it seems to work so well!! Tonight I was hungry but didnt want to eat before tea, so I had a glass (but with 2 tblsp) and actually felt full for about an hour 1/2- 2…
No chance lol, would you do a poo in the open public for $500,000
@slimgirljo15 you are one saucey lady! haha love it!!!
Beautiful @stayfit_ria
Yes, chocolate milk to be precise lol. Have you ever lied about your age?
Who would of guessed this was going to turn into a dating site haha, so much love going on around here
Yes The first time with my boyfriend was in the moonlight haha Have you ever flirted your way out of something (like a ticket, paying for something or getting out of trouble?)
Yes!! Full moon party in Bali, Gili islands Have you ever skinny dipped?
beautiful bright eyes
Yes Have you ever drove without a licence
#3 you spicy chicka @jessticlesx
:blush: @jdayvolt
Bro hug lol @aesthetikk
How romantic, but be prepared for an audience @JackKopCh
8 :)
If you dont want people watching you should really just close your blinds, your fault haha @JackKopCh
Guilty @JackKopCh
Thanks! @dclark566
Oh lodry yes @RHolden85
@dclark566 photo 9, you have amazing eyes!!
Hot to trot!!