

  • Hi Amanda, I am also struggling with emotional eating. July name is Jennifer and I have 4 children. It is hard to try and lose weight when you are busy being a mom. I am still learning how to use MFP but I am happy to be support for you. Please add me as a friend and we can figure this out together!
  • It is important to be gentle with yourself during this journey! Try and feel the emotions instead of stuffing them inside with food. I have done this for so long and I am working hard to just feel the emotions. They will dissipate and then you can move on. I have had to stop and cry hard at different time over the past fe…
  • Hang in there! One thing that helps me is to remember that the emotions will dissipate. I just have to allow myself to feel the emotions and remind myself this feeling will stop and I can survive the emotion without stuffing it inside with food.
  • One thing that I have had to work on is being okay with feeling hungry. You don't to start feeling sick but it alright to feel hungry and not eat for a while. I also it is important to not restrict yourself so you fee like you can't have something you really enjoy. This will sabotage yourself. I know when I restrict myself…
  • I am an emotional eater and have been seeing a counselor to help me with some of the things I stuff inside of with food. I am making progress with just feeling my emotions instead of stuffing them. Please add me as a friend and we can help each other on this journey!
  • I am an emotional eater as well. I have discovered that I stuff my feelings instead of feeling them. I am working on feeling my emotions, which is not always easy for me. However, my feelings hurt for the moment and then they dissipate. I think it is important to understand why you eat emotionally. My counselor has really…