Dreamcatcher1121 Member


  • Pre pregnancy weight: 156 lbs 5' 3" At birth- (+31 pounds) 187lbs at 6 week checkup: 170lbs Current weight today 18MAR15 (16 weeks post partum)- 160 lbs Goal weight: 135 pounds
  • We could be twins! My highest weight was also 186 and started at 156 AND I also had an emergency C section. My son is now 3 months old. All I can say is it is hard but it can be done! Try to remember it took 9 months to get here, will most likely take 9 - 12 months to get back to normal. BUT there are some things I have…
  • I know some people have said just ignore your cravings but that's just not always realistic! Especially if your a woman during Aunt Flow's visit! Some low calorie options if absolutely have to have something sweet (And not want fruit! lol) Try See's lollipops: they last a long time, get rid of sweet tooth and only have 80…
  • Answer: Jamiaca!!! Question: What's your pet peeve?
  • I am so in the same boat as you. Finding time to exercise is ridiculous really only time I have is after I put my baby down to sleep at 8pm, but by then I have been up with baby early, worked a full day, come home take care of baby and am soooo exhausted by then. It has been a challenge. I have at least tried to work out…
  • Pre pregnancy weight: 156 lbs 5' 3" At birth- (+31 pounds) 187lbs at 6 week checkup: 170lbs Current weight- 164 lbs Goal weight: 135 pounds Was previously at 135 while low carbing but couldn't get pregnant went off keto diet jumped in weight got pregnant would like to get back to 135 but doing it with a sustainable diet.…