sk11mra Member


  • It's the weekly average that's a good figure to aim for. I generally eat under my allowance mon - Thursday and then get to eat what I want over the weekend...
  • It's not even realised in the UK yet and so many people are playing, not had any server problems, only have to reboot the app every so often as it freezes, but there was an update yesterday that hopefully fixed that. To the few folk who say' I'm a grown up, not 10, don't have time etc'. Well that's just not true, I've met…
  • Hi all, I'm in week 7 and have lost 8kg (18 lbs). I'm on 1200 cals per day, although if I get my 10k step target I can actually eat 1600 which makes a huge difference on the hunger pangs. My average intake is actually around 1500. Gum and Coke Zero have been my friend!
  • Though I'd post my update as I started 1 month ago SW 185 CW 173 GW 160
  • Not sure I understand the question. Most foods will say how many calories they are on the packaging. The app works really well when you log all the food/drink you consume as it tracks carbs/protein/sugar/vitamins etc So you can see if there is something missing or in excess in your diet.
  • keeping busy helps ignore those hunger grumbles. Also downing a pint of water. I snack on cherry tomatoes as they are sweet and a whole punnet is about 50 calories.
  • Ok, thanks for the info. Just my first day so will figure out how it works over the next few days... Might go back to putting walking etc in manually if it confuses me too much!
  • Sounds good, but I'm in kg! Sw & cw 84kg Gw 72kg Aug will be good, will be my 35th bday
  • Hi, I've just come back after 3 years not using the app. Lost over 2st using it in 2013. Previously I found that a small change can make a huge difference. Eg, i run my own business from home and need to take my orders to the post office every day. It's only a mile away but usually end up driving. Making the time to leave…
    in Brand New Comment by sk11mra April 2016
  • Just using my iPhone to count steps. I've had a read a think I understand what it's trying to do, although when does it stop its <not so wonderful> calculations? At midnight? Does this mean when I've gone to sleep my calories burnt will still be decreasing?
  • Thank you for your replies :-)